Membership Application

Eligibility for Membership:

Membership in the Association of Operating Room Nurses (AORN) is open to all healthcare professionals and nurses involved in the operating room field.

Benefits of Membership:


Free access to one-day workshops and training programs conducted by AORN twice a year.


Free access to skill development programs once a quarter.


AORN will thus help in upgrading the operating room care practices.

Membership Fees:

  • Life Membership Fee: Rs.1,000/-
  • Institutional Membership Fee: Rs.5,000/-

Mode of Payment:

  • (1) Payment through NEFT:
  • Bank: Central Bank of India
  • Account: Assn. of Operating Room Nurses
  • Account No: 1002427625
  • IFSC Code : CBIN0011209
  • (2) Payment through QR Code: 10237008@cbin


Membership Form



Chapter Affiliation Program

All the new chapters seeking affiliation with the main ARON must write an application to the President or Secretary of AORN. This application is placed in the board meeting of AORN which will be held every year at the headquarters. The main AORN Managing Committee will sanction temporary permission till the board meeting.

The affiliated chapter shall place on record all the particulars like audited statements of accounts, annual reports, next year's budget and program ahead of the year etc. during the Board Meeting for discussion and sanction.

The President and the Secretary or any two responsible members nominated by the chapter may attend the Board Meeting every year to serve as the link between the main AORN and the affiliated chapter.

Managing Committee of the Chapter:

The chapter's management and administration shall be conducted by the Managing Committee, which is authorized to cover all expenses incurred.

The managing committee shall consist of a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 11 members when there are more than 30 life members.

One Post
Vice President
One Post
One Post
Jt. Secretary
One Post
One Post
Jt. Treasurer
One Post
Five Post

Chapter Terms:

  • Membership fees of Rs. 1,000/- along with the membership application are to be sent to the AORN, Mumbai. The fees may be revised from time to time.
  • ARON, Mumbai will be remitted to the chapter a minimum of 5% of the membership fee.
  • 10% of the profit from the fund collected from conferences or workshops held under the banner of AORN will have to be submitted to AORN, Mumbai.
  • The chapter in the nearest shall open a banking account in any nationalized bank and the account shall be operated upon and all acquaintances and discharge shall be signed by the Treasurer jointly with the President or Secretary.
  • Terms of the Chapter – Election of all the members of the committee shall be held once every 5 years. The retiring members of the committee shall be eligible for re-election.
  • Annual General Body Meeting – The AGM of the chapter should be held each year and the audited account to be submitted to AORN, Mumbai.

Minutes to be Maintained:

The Managing Committee of each chapter shall have to maintain a minutes book which shall appear. A clear report of proceedings of such meeting, a copy of each notice convening the meeting of the Managing Committee and General Body Meeting and each circular in which the decision has been arrived at by the Managing Committee for amendments in the AGM.

Functions of the Office Bearers:

The President, Vice President, and other office bearers of the chapter shall be elected in the Annual Meeting from among its members for a term of four years.

Duties of the Office Bearers:

President: The President of the chapter shall preside over and regulate all meetings of the Managing Committee. In addition to the right to vote as a member, the President has a casting vote.
Vice-President: In absence of President, Vice President shall occupy the chair of President.
Secretary: The secretary shall maintain an up-to-date list of registers of the members, including their address, age, occupation, date of membership acceptance, specimen signature, and remarks. The secretary will also maintain a minute book, attend to daily routine correspondence, and be responsible for maintaining all other necessary books. The secretary will be responsible for all of his or her actions.
Jt. Secretary: In the absence of Secretary, she/ he shall occupy the chair of secretary.
Treasure: The Treasure shall regularly receive all payments made to the chapter, process the necessary receipts, and maintain books of account.
Jt. Treasure: The Jt. Treasure shall, in the absence of the Treasurer, have the power, rights, and duties as those of the Treasurer. The Jt. Treasurer shall also assist the Treasurer in day-to-day business.

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